CynapseDx develops analytical technologies for the detection of aggregated protein biomarkers in the blood of people suffering from a neurodegenerative disease, such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's Diseases.
The aim is to provide clinically useful information on the presence and the severity of the disease; allowing both general and personalised therapies to be employed.
CynapseDx has been developing products to isolate proteins or cells from whole blood since 2012.
At the heart of our techniques is an antibody coated large ultra-dense magnetic particle that can force its way through the viscous, cell-rich media of blood to encounter and bind proteins. These can be free in plasma, or cell-associated.
Our primary focus is neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s Disease. Previous attempts to develop blood tests for these diseases have been unsuccessful, partly due to uncertainty over which biomarkers to choose and the likely scenario that there are only very low numbers of target proteins circulating in the blood stream. We have chosen to focus on oligomeric and aggregated forms of protein biomarkers and have demonstrated that our assays can measure these forms of biomarker proteins, when testing real patient blood samples.
We have a trial underway to demonstrate this is an effective tool that can identify patients with tremor symptoms that are misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s disease when they have another brain disorder. Using treatment costs published by NICE we have estimated that in the UK, the NHS is wasting some £52 million in treatments that do not work on the numbers misdiagnosed each year.
We plan to launch test kits to the academic community in 2018 and for clinical use in 2019.
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